storage_providers:git-storage:# Initialize new storage provider - name can be anythingtype:git# In this case we use `git` storage Initialize new storage provider - name can be anythingtype:onepassword# In this case we use `1password` storage providertransformers:encryption:# Initialize new transformer - Name can be anything, we use `encryption` for semantics.type:encryption# In this case we use `encryption` transformerkey_type:age# We use `age` as the encryption providerimport_from_storage:provider:onepassword-example# Make sure name is matching your storage providerparams:reference_uri:op://AutomationIAC/iac-terraform-age-key/password# The reference URI to use for the encryption keystacks:my-stack:# Initialize new stack - Name can be anythingtransformers:# List of transformers to use in this specific stack-encryption# Make sure name is matching your transformerstate_storage:# Terraform state storage configurationprovider:git-storage# In this case we use our git storage providerparams:path:terraform.tfstate# The path to the state file inside our repository